New Covenant Assembly (NCA) is a vibrant, active group of Christ-followers striving to serve God and the community of Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
It was pioneered by Pastor Daniel Goh and is now led by Pastor Peter Khoo since 1988.
NCA is affiliated with The Assemblies of God (AG) of Malaysia. We aim to be a place where one can experience being in a relationship with God and His people and grow in the knowledge of Him.
Mission Statement
Building a worshiping and praying church bringing healing to our community and beyond...
- encourage personal devotion and godliness
- provide conducive environment for the expression of worship
- personal involvement in ministry and a strong sense of servant-hood
- learning to be sacrificial in our commitment
- a sense of dependency on God’s provision by learning to call upon Him
- touching the needs beyond ourselves by standing in the gap
- breaking the spiritual power and dominion in our community
- learning the discipline of fasting and prayer
- to believers and the hurting by extending a hand of fellowship and acceptance
- a strong evangelistic thrust that seek to touch the life of others
- touching our community through evangelism and reaching the beyond through missionary effort
Statement of Faith
- The Scriptures Inspired
- The One True God
- The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Fall of Man
- The Salvation of Man
- The Ordinances of the Church
- The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- Sanctification
- The Church and Its Mission
- The Ministry
- Divine Healing
- The Blessed Hope
- The Millennial Reign of Christ
- The Final Judgement
- The New Heavens and the New Earth